Enfield Safe Harbor’s O&E Center will be opening every Thursday night from 6:30PM – 8:30PM at St Patrick’s Church, 64 Pearl St, Thompsonville CT.
The mission of the center is to serve and engage the hard to reach and underserved homeless population by assisting to meet their immediate basic needs and to be a conduit for them to connect to area resources, agencies and organization for their housing needs.
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How We Got Started
The Enfield Safe Harbor Warming Center exists as a part of Enfield People for People, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation, formed to create shelter for our homeless, heatless neighbors in Enfield during frigid New England winters. We do this at the kindness of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Enfield, who allow us to invite homeless neighbors in for shelter from 9:00pm to 7:00 am, January through March.
We are governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of volunteer men and women from many life disciplines, who bring their considerable expertise to plan, advise, manage and direct our work in Enfield.
We have paid staff, including our Executive Director, Monica Wright, and five paid overnight staff, who train and assist community members who are willing to volunteer overnight.
Our Board and our Executive Director currently operate all office, media, and documentation from their homes, because we do not, as yet, have a permanent structure.
Our Board is also responsible for media communications, fundraising, community engagement, collecting donations of supplies and food, and speaking to churches, service organizations, and other entities to share our work and ask for participation.
Each year ESHWC has increased the number of guests we have been able to shelter in our overnight facility at St. Patrick’s Church in Enfield. We have also increased the number of days we open from later in January through March to early January through the first week of April.
We seek to become more visible in our community in order to engage individuals and businesses in our area to participate in the battle to end homelessness. Our partners have made donations, given us grants, donated supplies, food, and volunteer staff, and this has allowed us to continue to grow our work to match our mission.
Executive Director
Monica Wright

Board of Directors
Reverend Peter Bushnell, Board Chair & President
Marc Warnock, Vice Chair & Vice President
Deacon Paul L. Robert, Director & Treasurer
Rosiland Swift, Director & Assistant Treasurer
Lorraine Creedon, Director & Secretary
Priscilla Brayson, Director
Murray Brayson, Director
Sue Banning, Director